Stacey Dash has to be the hottest 45 year-old on record. I challenge anyone to identify something hotter.
I usually reserve my blog entries for very serious matters like, arguments for strengthening phone etiquette, debating hierarchy of sports lists, and sharing personal pet peeves; real heady stuff. However today I will make a fun exception and give a well-deserved shout out to a freak of nature.
I had kind of forgotten about Dash. I first saw her in “Clueless”. She was 29 year old in real life then playing a 17 year old. She’s hasn’t done a lot of mainstream work recently. So you know…. “Out of sight…..Out of mind.”
Monday night I had just returned home from a cross-country trip. I had spent time in St Louis, and Las Vegas over the previous 3 days, and got very little sleep. As I was driving home from the airport I was craving my bed, and looking forward to at least 8 hours of make out time with my pillow. I get home, unpack the truck, head up to the bed, fall in, and then commence to stare at the ceiling for 2 hours. I hate it when that happens! My mind could not shut off.
I turn on the TV to change the mood, start flipping through the channels, and there it was. A blue lace dress with a black goddess sown in it. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t me being creepy, it's just me appreciating something that seems to be timeless. This woman looks the same. Scratch that. This woman looks better than she looked 15 years ago.
Stacey, if you’ve found the fountain of youth please don’t keep it to yourself. I was taught growing up that “Caring is Sharing.” We need this! Looking forward to being amazed 5 years from now when you turn 50!
I usually reserve my blog entries for very serious matters like, arguments for strengthening phone etiquette, debating hierarchy of sports lists, and sharing personal pet peeves; real heady stuff. However today I will make a fun exception and give a well-deserved shout out to a freak of nature.
I had kind of forgotten about Dash. I first saw her in “Clueless”. She was 29 year old in real life then playing a 17 year old. She’s hasn’t done a lot of mainstream work recently. So you know…. “Out of sight…..Out of mind.”
Monday night I had just returned home from a cross-country trip. I had spent time in St Louis, and Las Vegas over the previous 3 days, and got very little sleep. As I was driving home from the airport I was craving my bed, and looking forward to at least 8 hours of make out time with my pillow. I get home, unpack the truck, head up to the bed, fall in, and then commence to stare at the ceiling for 2 hours. I hate it when that happens! My mind could not shut off.
I turn on the TV to change the mood, start flipping through the channels, and there it was. A blue lace dress with a black goddess sown in it. Don’t get me wrong this isn’t me being creepy, it's just me appreciating something that seems to be timeless. This woman looks the same. Scratch that. This woman looks better than she looked 15 years ago.
Stacey, if you’ve found the fountain of youth please don’t keep it to yourself. I was taught growing up that “Caring is Sharing.” We need this! Looking forward to being amazed 5 years from now when you turn 50!