Why do most people assume only “thirsty” men go to Gentleman’s Clubs? If you’re not familiar with the term thirsty it’s a black colloquialism that means eager or wanting. The term is usually used in reference to a man that is “too” eager to advance physicality with someone he is attracted to.
This notion can be put to bed because many highly successful, attractive men with means frequent the Shoe Show! I have to assume that these guys have access to attractive women, and aren’t in a perpetual dehydrated state.
Many women hate that their men frequent the Show. Some men don’t understand the allure. I have a few buddies that say "why get yourself all excited when you have no chance of closing the deal."
I’m not even sure those of us that go to the Show, really know, on a mental level, why we love it so. It’s just natural, like eating, breathing, sleeping. It’s in our DNA. It’s innate, genetic, and feels right, so why fight it?
I’ll attempt, using MATH, to shed some light on the situation.
First men love the Show because it’s an alternative universe. Think about it. If you could enter a different dimension that suspended disbelief, and was basically a “Bizarro” world on steroids, wouldn’t you want to take that trip?
Add to that that your safety is not compromised in any real way, and that you could leave said “Bizarro” world at any time without any negative repercussions.
Multiply that by the fact that you can go with your favorite people, and share the experience with them.
Divide this by the fact that you can enter this world for about the same amount of money that it would cost you to have lunch at Panera Bread.
Equals - NO BRAINER! You’re going!
Now, I consider the Show an alternative universe because of the social engineering that takes place once the door frame is compromised. The male-female dynamic is totally flipped. In most real life cases, men initiate communication between men and women, but in “Bizarro” world the roles are eloquently flipped. The woman is the catalyst. This is appealing to men.
Also the cash and carry economics appeal to men. The rules are set. If you order a lap dance off the menu it costs a standard amount. In our personal lives we date, and we don’t have any clue what a lap dance will cost us. We keep paying for things but never truly know when our laps are going to have a little extra company. It’s a Ponzi Scheme. Money goes in at your own risk with no guarantee of returns.
The male bonding aspect of the Gentlemen Club experience cannot be overlooked. Men are spectators by nature. We love to watch together when the outcome of an event is hanging in the balance. We love sports because of its competitive nature. On many levels the Gentlemen Club compares favorably to a sporting venue. The men go to be entertained, adult beverages are served, the dancers wear uniforms and are in competition with each other, and outcomes are unknown.
You never know what you’re going to see at the Show. I once met a woman that, up until that point, was an idea in my head. A figment of my imagination, if you will. In my mind the most attractive amalgamation of female genetics, strictly based on looks, is a mixture of Black and Asian (65%-35%). If it were not for the Show, on that fateful night in Cleveland Ohio, I would have never had the pleasure of meeting a Blasian Woman. The Blasian Woman was my mystical unicorn. Missing that would have hurt me in an unknown spiritual way. I’m thankful for not having to experience that pain.
Side bar. Blasian is the much hotter cousin of (Blackanese) the oft-used term that essentially means the same thing.
One of the most beautiful aspects of the show is that, on occasion, it gives us a glimpse at our most self-actualized counterparts. One of the most exciting occurrences at the Show is when a woman transforms into a force of nature and creates her own “Hot Spot” giving us all the ability to connect to her “Wi-Fi.” It’s amazing.
There is a point when the stage is full of beautiful women, the music is right, and the air is filled with expectations. The energy is out of control, and we are approaching a breach. A confident woman, in the distance, steps to the forefront, takes the lead and becomes a human conduit. She begins dancing right where she is. The electric current seeks her out. She is in control of everything that is happening in that time and space. All eyes are on her, and we can’t look away. The connection is unmistakable. She becomes one with the night, the music, the energy, and the moment. In this dimension woman is self actualized, and we (all of us) are living through her.