Thursday, March 7, 2013

I hate that I haven't written a blog post in 10 months!!!

Last fall I started an education journey that will have me "committed" for the next four years. As I was counting up the sacrifices this journey would require, one of the items I laid at the alter was my BLOG. At that time I felt like I had to streamline everything. Trim the fat.

I was trying to "make" time by cutting friends, activities, commutes, content. I love books, and chose not to read one for pleasure. I love women, and chose not to go on more than four dates since May. I love TV, and resolved myself to only record seven shows on Tivo. I was/am serious about this thing. So it seemed an afterthought to break up with my BLOG. My BLOG is fun, and selfish, I surely could part ways with it right?

If I'm giving up wine, women, and song; why not writing? Well, I really didn't know how much my BLOG meant to me, and how theraputic it was to vanquish some of these thoughts from the logical mind. Don't get me wrong, I was still keeping notes of all the things I hated. I'd jot down "hate doodles" from time to time, but it wasn't the same. I now realize I need the outlet. I've missed it. I haven't been the same without it. And of course the hate; the hate has been building up like dirty grease on the grill at your local Waffle House.

So today I start my spring break....which sounds weird because I'm 40 years old now. Bygones... I have 5 days of vacation. Pure unadulterated vacation, and I'm going to use this time to write. So in conjunction with buns, mai tai's, Cohiba's, golf, beach, poker, the Steve Jobs biography, "The Matrix", and "Real Husbands of Hollywood" (DONT ASK),  I'm gonna bang out 4 or 5 HATE Posts this week because Poppa needs his fix.