Monday, December 9, 2013

I hate that the best wing man is a WOMAN

First… In order for me to adequately explain this, I have to share a somewhat misogynistic theory I developed while matriculating through the dog days of college life. During my dating experiences, for simplicity purposes only, I categorized women into (3) distinct groups.

Ones (1) Girlfriends

Girlfriends were women that are attractive mentally and physically, who could possibly achieve girlfriend status.

Twos (2) Close Friends

Close Friends were women that I was actively banging, actively trying to bang, or actively trying not to bang anymore.

Threes (3) Friends

Friends were Platonic Friends.

I lived my life by this theorem when I was in my 20’s. It served me well. A (1) could start out as a (3) and elevate. A (2) could be a previous (1) that slipped, or a (3) that got trapped in the middle. A (3) was just a (3).

Sidebar…. A (3) could be a previous (1) or (2), but I’m telling you right now it’s not worth the effort. It’s the equivalent of turning wine into water which is ridiculous because (A) who’s stupid enough to want to actually turn WINE into WATER, and (B) if I told you I could do it, you wouldn’t believe me anyway. So let’s move on.

Hummm. This setup was a lot longer than I anticipated; maybe I should have made this a separate blog entry all to itself?

To the unexposed eye the (1) would seem to me the most valuable, but it was the (3) that I learned the most from, and enjoyed the most. I’d play chess with (ones), checkers with (twos), but (threes) held the skeleton key, that revealed the cheat codes to all games. If you ever want to understand a very fraction of woman’s immense capabilities, you have to align yourself with knowledgeable (3s). (Threes) are life MVP’s.

(Threes) are unique because there are no expectations, no jockeying, no pretense, and no state of the union. (Threes) are people you like, that like you back. Simple! Words, jokes, fun, have no clandestine or omnipotent meaning; they are what they are, nothing more, nothing less. PURE.

Members of the fairer sex by nature aren’t risk takers. Security is very important to them. Floors are more important than ceilings. They want to see something work before they try it. They want to see you handle a woman before they’ll let you handle them.

Our better halves are also envious. They contemplate with a zero sum mentality. If their friend finds a good man they are happy for them, but in the back of their mind they think “that’s one less for me.” If given the opportunity to seek her own or magically trade places with her friend, she would choose to change places. It’s easier, less messy, less risk.

The aforementioned items all rubberneck into my WINGMAN hypothesis.

Guys… I swear by this. If you don’t have one…find, develop, and cultivate an attractive (three). Bring her to a restaurant, bar, club, lounge….show her a great time, be engaging, thoughtful, attentive, and generous. EVERY woman around you will notice. A woman having a good time, and enjoying herself is a flame that attracts other moths. Other women are drawn, it’s hypnotic; they can’t look away. At this point the gymnastics are done, and all you have to do is stick the landing.

On some vague abstract level I’ve always known women were the best wingmen but I didn’t fully understanding it until I got older. I have this one WingWoman that is amazing. Her success rate is unbelievable. When I retire her, she’ll be a 1st ballot Hall of Famer. Her (WAR – wins above replacement) *geek term* is off the charts. She’s a five tool player (Outgoing, Attractive, Loud, Likes Sports, and Enjoys Alcohol). If you find one of these, pay her the max, never let her become a free agent, stash her away. Her value can’t be measured.

The “prestige” of this particular circumstance is that she has no idea how many times she’s gotten me up to the plate. Oh that’s right….One last thing… Never tell her she’s the WingMan, because the moment you reveal it, the magic is forever lost. She’ll start to press, over-think it, and destroy your team chemistry.

The beauty of the dance is that it’s natural, un-staged, and most importantly organic.