Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I hate DOMA

Last year I wrote the following as part of the blog post “Why Blacks Hate Gays”

“The freedoms that blacks fought for in the 50’s and 60’s were called “civil rights” but I think they were mislabeled. They should have been called “equal rights”. Blacks were seeking equality not civility. I think what gays are seeking is “civil rights.” Equal rights are for people that are the same who want to be treated the same. Civil rights are people that are different wanting to be treated the same.”

I got some push back from some friends on this, so today I extend this idea lending clarity to very complicated subject matter.

First let me be clear; I believe in liberty. I believe in freedom.  I believe in equal protection under the law. I believe that the large majority of gay people are born gay, through no fault of their own.  However, the birth of a gay child prior to in vitro fertilization in 1978 could only occur through sexual activity between a man and a woman (FACT).  Even today absent adoption, a test tube, or a surrogate, a gay couple cannot produce a straight or gay child (FACT).  If the first cave men were gay we wouldn’t be here today (FACT).

Nature provides parallels for us to examine.  Mules are a hybrid of a horse and a donkey.  Mules can’t reproduce.  A male and female mule can’t create a baby mule.  Mules would become extinct if not for the horse and the donkey.  Gay people would become extinct if not for the combination of man and woman.  Gay people can move society forward through ideas, and innovations but they can’t move it forward genetically in a fundamental organic way. 

Gay people are a derivative of straight people.  They are a hybrid.  They are a deviation.  They deserve the same protections under the law as straight people.  They are not equal because they can’t reproduce themselves (OPINION).

We straight people are stupid because we fought against gays wanting to build lives with their loved ones.  Civil unions made all the sense in the world, and yet we fought against them.  Straight people were so petrified that they created the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in an attempt to thwart gays from encroaching on hallowed ground.  As if marriage can still be considered sacred, when more than 50% of marriages end in divorce. 

I honestly believe gay people in their hearts know that they are different.  If they had been given the opportunity to have civil unions in all 50 states they would have been content with it.  But once straight law makers overreached, gays went for the jugular, because, based in our declaration of independence there is a “pursuit of happiness” idea that trumps divisive behavior and exclusion. 

People that are less than equal need to be protected equally under the law.  As long as civil unions were treated equal to marriage there would have been no need to fight for marriage rights.

Here is where things get uncomfortable. 

Ask any straight father what he secretly worries about concerning an unborn son?  He’ll say that he doesn’t want his son to turn out gay.  Men prefer their sons to be healthy and straight.  They are sad if either one of the two is in question.  Straight fathers wish” straightness” on their sons; In contrast gay fathers don’t wish “gayness” on their sons.  Because they know how hard it is.  They know it’s a burden, and they know it’s not normal.  They won’t wish that difficult life on their child because they love them, and they want the best start in life for them. 
Overreach will always leave you vulnerable.  Civil Rights fill in the grey areas so that people that are not equal get treated fairly.  Equal Rights highlight the unfair treating of equals.  It’s a subtle distinction that means everything.