Sunday, January 21, 2018

I hate Equality

Equality is a myth, and the quest for it is unattainable. This is true because there is no standard ruler to measure equality. Equality is in the eye of the beholder, and just like beauty is very subjective.

 “All men are created equal” is's's a fiction. Each person is born into a unique set of circumstances and that by definition is unequal. Equality is a mission statement not a bottom line.

We often confuse ourselves unnecessarily with equality, when we should really concentrate on the pursuit of happiness. Equality is a “them” thing, while happiness is a “me” thing. We can't control them but we can always control me.

Think about it.  As adults when we have a serious decision to make, and we're talking to a friend or associate about it.  We often use the qualifier "all things being equal..." We do this because no two opportunities or consequences can be the same/EQUAL.  If they were the same then there would only be ONE and consequently no decision to be made.
Inequality is why do we bristle at it so much? It's because we wrestle with the word “fairness” way too often. For some reason we're taught as children that fairness is good, and that treating people fairly is proper. Then we're thrust into a world that is replete with unfairness, and it's a total shock to the system. We believe children are innocents so we speak to them in very innocent vanilla terms. We give them utopian ideas that are useless in a dystopian world. We set them up for failure.
Nowhere is this failure more obviously than in American race relations. Equal is a math term so no wonder numbers are constantly being used to prove inequality. The most prevelent data point is wages where blacks make less than whites on average, but no one tells you that asians make more that whites because that will skew the narrative. The 2 major functions of wage is education, and entreprenuership, but those aren't sexy topics. So we argue about equality of wages without discussing the root cause of it. Think about it..It's never going to be the SAME for everyone. If everyone made the same wage would there still be inequality? Why yes...of course...because there is no such thing as EQUALITY.

People can't be equal because we all are one of one. We fight for something that is impossible to obtain, and in many cases we make the good the enemy of the (unachievable) perfect. Think about it. Do you think all white people are treated equally? Think about it. In your home you have siblings that are better and worse than you, and more importantly your parents treat you all differently on an individual why would you expect more from a country, than your very own family?

Think about it. Most of the inequality/injustice that creates true outrage is within law enforcement. Over the last 10 years, save the Trayvon Martin shooting (quasi-law enforcement), and the Church Massacre in Charleston, all the inequality that America has had a visceral reaction to has been due to law enforcement. Truths are muddied during law enforcement encounters because law enforcement usually doesn't show up in places without invitation from citizens. Interpersonal disagreements that require law enforcements intervention never end well.  

Not sure about you, but as a person that has assimilated... my run-ins with law enforcement are few and far between. I don't put myself in situations that law enforcement has to decide my fate. I understand that law enforcement is primative so I strive to avoid sub-optimal encounters.

Listen. I live in America. I know that in America people have differing perspectives about everything including race. I know it's often a harder life for people of color.  As a black man I'm keenly aware of that but I also understand that in 2018 I'm free in America. I can wake up in the morning, and leave the home I've bought, get in the car I've bought, drive to the bank and withdraw money from my account, and drive anywhere I want to in this country with NO obstacle. Could I encounter neanderthal jerks on my journey?...of course. But I live in a country where it's not illegal to be that. And I'm okay with that. Just don't interrupt my ability to do commerce and pursue legal happiness and you can be whatever you choose to be.

 I'm okay with being treated unfairly... it's unavoidable.  I draw the line at being treated illegally.  .


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