Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I hate the BT in LGBT

The BLT is a great sandwich. Am I right? Oops wrong post….

We are not born with biases but we develop them early in life. We use ourselves as the control of every experiment we undertake. Bias #1 is that we are normal and everything we are not automatically is abnormal. If I’m raised in a house where parents scream at each other to communicate (that becomes normal), when I go to my friend’s house for a sleep-over I expect his parents to be screamers. When I realize they aren’t screamers, (that becomes abnormal).

Growing up I felt gay people were abnormal. I still do, to a degree, but that will be for another blog. I was taught by others that it was sinful. I’ve evolved on that one. I do think gay people are born gay, and aren’t given the choice of being gay or straight. If you look at it that way it broadens your perspective.

So, if you’re keeping score, the LG part of LGBT makes sense to me. I can accept it. It’s these BT (MFer’s) that are pissing in everyone's kool-aid. For the life of me, I don’t know why LG’s would allow BT’s to hitch their wagon under the rainbow flag.

Bisexuality doesn’t make sense to me unless it's girl on girl.... then that’s HOT! These bisexuals just seem greedy to me. They want it all. Being able to date 50 percent of the population isn’t enough for them. They have to F*CK everybody! It’s the equivalent of desiring a car that runs on both diesel and unleaded fuel, just so you have the opportunity to fill up at any gas station of your choosing. That’s selfish.

You ever met one of these a-holes that desires to be rich and famous…..like just being rich or just being famous won’t be enough for them. They have to be both. JUST PICK ONE!

And as for these transgender people, they are the absolute worst. Their refuge is “I’m trapped”. I feel like a man trapped inside a womans body or vice versa. So if that’s the case JUST BE GAY! LG takes care of that for you. Problem solved. This is analogous to someone that owns a dog, but realizes he/she is really a cat person so they change/disfigure a dog to make it more like a cat. JUST BUY A CAT, OR JUST BUY A DOG THAT ALREADY LOOKS LIKE A CAT.

I can’t be on board with anyone that ruins a perfectly good penis by splitting it down the middle and stuffing it inside. As a card carrying penis owner I find that disgusting. Anyone that does this should be exectuted.

One could effectively argue that BT’s severely damages the cause of LG’s because they increase the weight of  the CHOICE variable in the equal rights equation. If simply choosing to be something makes you that something, then what is stopping a white person from simply choosing to be black in order to satisfy an affirmative action quota? It’s a very slippery slope.