Friday, May 10, 2013

Why Blacks Hate Gays

Recently the blog has been a bit serious. Maybe even a bit too serious for my taste. There are a lot of important topics floating around the universe these days. It would probably be odd if I weren't moved to discuss a few of them. I wish I could say My 50th installment was a smidge more frivolous, more upbeat, more juvenile… but alas, I can’t. What I will promise, however, is a return to my sophomoric shenanigans in the near future.

This is by far the most complex post I’ve written to date. This issue has more moving parts than that shitty 3rd “Matrix” movie. So please hold on to your hat because this is going to be a bumpy ride.

First off Blacks don’t want to hate gays, but they kinda have to.

A couple of weeks ago at my weekly poker game a friend asked me “why do black guys have such a problem with gay dudes?” It was late, and a few adult beverages had been imbibed so I responded, “It’s complicated.” To which he said “man I really would like to know.” I said, “Okay if you really want to know lets have lunch this week and I’ll break it down for you.” We haven’t had that lunch yet, but I’m committed to making it happen. He wants to know…. And I'm eager to share.

Here is what I plan to divulge…..

Black v Gay

I'm black. We hate when people compare being Black to being Gay as it pertains to Civil Rights. Gay people were never slaves, they were never considered 3/5 of a person, and they were never considered property. A gay person could conceivably go his entire life and never have it held against him. I’m sure there have been gay persons that kept their sexuality to themselves and lived unobstructed by it. Let’s be real here, being gay is basically about the sex you have. Sex happens behind closed doors, about 4 times a week (on a good week), and about an hour a session (if you know what you’re doing). Black people are BLACK all the time 24 hours a day. They can’t escape it. There is no reprieve from being black. You can’t be anything other than Black, and being black definitely weighted down your hope in life. The freedoms that blacks fought for in the 50’s and 60’s were called “civil rights” but I think they were mislabeled. They should have been called “equal rights”. Blacks were seeking equality not civility. I think what gays are seeking is “civil rights.” Equal rights are for people that are the same who want to be treated the same. Civil rights are people that are different wanting to be treated the same.

Recently Jason Collins an NBA player announced he was gay, and immediately comparisons to Jackie Robinson sprung up. How ridiculous is that? Jackie Robinson was a man who was treated unequal his entire life even though he was born equal. Jason Collins hid who he was his entire life. Took NBA money for 13 years, and then when it was safe, he decided to announce who he has sex with. One man is courageous. One man is a coward.

Being black and being gay are not mutually inclusive; in fact they are mutually exclusive. If they were compared less, blacks would hate gays less.

Religion v Gay

For some people religion is an accessory in life. This does not apply to black folk. Black people need religion. Religion got us through our darkest hour. When others explain personal greatness by pointing to their intestinal fortitude, black people look up to God and say "if not for God I'm nothing. Only God got them through those long hot days of being equal and being treated far less than equal. Animals, plants, and minerals, were all treated better than slaves back in the day. Religion is in our DNA. In our minds we still allow religion to trump logic. Most religion frowns upon homosexuality.

In 2008 Prop 8 got crushed in California because the black vote was mobilized against it. Black people vote with God. If God is against it then they are against it. It’s as simple as that. God is mighty. Might is right, so gay must be wrong. Blacks will always choose God over man. We’ve been divinely conditioned to hate gays.

Minority v Gay

I’m not a fan of the term “minority” but I will use it during this discussion because it is an established part of the American lexicon. Not sure if you have noticed but when a group is deemed a minority they are referenced publicly as a “community”; so there is a Black Community, Latino Community, and Asian Community etc. Minorities fight everyday for acceptance and equality. Subsequently minorities develop a pack mentality. When a minority member does well, we win, but when someone in the community does something stupid we feel as if that is a poor reflection on each of us. We feel as if that stupid act will cast shame on all because we share a community. Whites (the majority) don’t feel that way. Have you ever heard of anyone referencing the “White” Community?

In 2008 blacks were ecstatic that a person of their ethnicity was elected president. Many in the “black community” prayed that he would do well; not because they were patriots, not because they were democrats, not because they were racist. They wanted him to do well because if he didn’t it would “set us back”. “SET US BACK” is huge in our community. It’s the pressure cooker of being a minority. Bush 43, who by many accounts, is considered one of the worst presidents in history never, had that pressure. No one has ever said George W. Bush set back the white race. Hell he hasn’t even set back the Bush name all that much. His brother Jeb is seriously considering a presidential run just a mere 5 years after W. left office.

Until most recently, being gay has been frowned upon socially. It has been seen to be a negative. So black people could not embrace the gay community because, it would be consider going backward instead of going forward. Also it doesn’t help that in movies and on television the majority of flaming, flamboyant, gay men are disproportionately cast as black people. Didn’t know that did you?

Sex v Gay

Black men take pride in our sexual prowess. For many years that was our calling card. Our freedom, education, and advancement could be taken away but our ability to hold it down in the bedroom, satisfying your and our women sexually, was and is something we hang our hats on. We embrace the spirit of Mandingo. Our sexual prowess is legendary. Some of it is myth, but most of it is true. When we see black gay men flaunting their gay ways we feel like it chips away at our sexual legend.

So you see, blacks have been socially engineered to hate gays. It’s more science than art. I don’t like it but it’s true. Years of conditioning, propaganda, myths, and devices have brought us to this point. Our feelings are softening but it will take some time before they completely thaw. In the end, humanity will win; it’s just a matter of how long it will take.

So there it is. I hope this helps people understand the circumstances a little better.

Here’s hoping the next 50 posts are as good as the first 50.