I’m a despicable human being.
I am.
I have no reservation in acknowledging this.
I’m at ease with my assertion because I believe wholeheartedly that I’m not alone in this.
You are a despicable human being as well.
You just haven’t realized it yet.
Human beings are dark, depraved, animals at our cores.
We hate everything!
We are a society full of HATE!
We are Haters!
Hate fuels us. It keeps us up at night. It overwhelms, and consumes us.
Love is OK but hate feels GREAT!
Love exists in our hearts but hate dwells in our bellys.
When it is clear that love heals and that our homes, our communities, our country, and our world, would be in a lot better shape if we loved more, why is it that we so often chose hate as our bedfellow?
Well…. Hate, simply put, is delightful. We are at our happiest when we hate. We love to hate. Hate allows us to tap into places that we didn’t know existed. It’s the catalyst that allows us to explore virgin territory within us.
My favorite movie is “Pulp Fiction”. I love this movie. The dialogue, the disjointed chronology, the acting are all genius. My least favorite move is “Eyes Wide Shut.” I hate this movie. It’s the worst. It’s so bad I have to recruit others to hate it as much as I do. When engaged in conversation about modern cinema I am always primarily compelled to share my hate for this movie. You would think that I would be quick to mention my favorites, but I’m not. Although I love “Pulp Fiction”, I’m more passionate about my hate for this overrated, poorly acted, thinly plotted, piece of dung that Stanley Kubrick created.
Why is this?
Hate taps into the passion within us. And passion feels fantastic! Passion is intense and immediate. Ever heard someone say “I love her with a passion?” Nope: because love is simple. But we all have heard “ I hate him with a passion.” Passion is complex, and hate is diverse. It can take the form of so many things.
Hate is addictive. It’s better than any drug ever created. We love to hate because it feels good. Hate feels right. Admit it. You know it does! Hate makes us feel better about ourselves. Hate is therapeutic.
I’ve avoided therapy because I’ve tapped into my hate. I’ve attempted to uncover and understand the darker side of myself. I’ve become comfortable with it. Hate has become my wonderful lifelong companion.
The first rule of hate is to understand what you should and should not hate. Hating people is elementary. I don’t believe in it, it’s a big waste of time, and counterproductive to personal growth. Additionally, and more importantly, hatred of people is limited. Why hate individuals when you can multiply your hate by all the stupid things they do and say.
I’m a voyeur. People watcher if you will. I pay close attention to personal behavior and attempt to understand it in an analytical way. Like any good scientist I question everything. And, in deference to Einstein, not to just see things the way they are but rather how they should be.
In an attempt at full disclosure, I’m no PHD; I’m just a regular guy who pays attention. So this book is the result of my many observations about the annoying and dumb things people perpetuate, but more importantly why we should hate their stupid contributions to our already compromised society?
I ‘d like to show you a few things if you don’t mind; things that you do, and probably don’t even know why you do them. You know…dumb shit! I’ve kept a journal of all the dumb shit that people do. I’d like to invite you to my personal darkness.
My concentration will be mostly on dumb things people say, and why it’s utterly ridiculous for some behavior to still exist in our advanced civilization. Some of the sayings are so embedded in our human fabric that an extra heavy dose of Tide probably couldn’t get the stain out. But, we’re going to have fun trying. ENJOY!
You my friend are a very interesting human....(LOL) you have my attention all 100% percent of it.