Ladies, if a man calls u gorgeous he either A. doesn’t know what the word means, or B is trying to fuck u. Okay. Back to work.
The above was a tweet I broadcast about 2 months ago right after I said it to a female friend of mine. We were chopping up her single moments, and she was telling me how a guy at the grocery store was kind of stalking her (in the store), followed her outside and then dropped the “Ms. You are gorgeous! I had to follow you, and introduce myself.” She was glowing as she retold the story. I could tell that it had boosted her confidence through the roof.
Now she’s attractive don’t get me wrong. But gorgeous… Gorgeous is rare. Super-rare. I can guarantee you; you’re not going to run up into gorgeous in the grocery store. I’d say my friend is pretty. So every time she said gorgeous my face twitched a little. She noticed it and said “Oh so you don’t think I’m gorgeous?” and then I hit her with the tag line.
She didn’t agree with me. So I had to break it down. Like I said gorgeous is rare. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but to be gorgeous you must have a timeless aura, a glow, a certain magnetism, and above all radiance. Gorgeous takes beautiful out to the alley and beats the hell out of it.
The hierarchy of physical attractiveness for females greatest to least is;
Good Looking
The hierarchy for males is;
Good Looking
Handsome is the male equivalent to pretty. But if you notice there is no male equivalent for beautiful or gorgeous. Look women are special creatures and should have one additional level on the hierarchy but two seems like overkill right? Well, that’s because it is. Beautiful should be at the top of the hierarchy but then what do we do with gorgeous?
Gorgeous is basically the Mount Rushmore of beautiful. There are only 5 women that are gorgeous.
Josephine Baker
Liz Taylor
Sophia Loren
Lena Horne
Raquel Welch
These women transcend time, and like I said you’re not going to run into them at the Publix in Decatur. These women have beauty that is legendary, mythical, absolute, and undeniable.
So ladies if a guy calls you gorgeous understand it’s to get you high so he can bring you low.
These women have the potential to be gorgeous but that will be up to the next generation to decide.
Monica Belluci
Halle Berry
Liz Hurley
Megan Fox